
Your Invitation to Listen

Our New Podcast

Norah (Lulich) Jones

Define your identity & strengths: It’s about language.

Enter the conversation & share your unique perspectives: It’s about language.

Make a positive impact in the world: It’s about language.

Empowering & coaching educators, learners & businesses: It’s about language! It’s my life’s commitment, work & podcast.

Connect with me to find out how I can help you achieve your goals.

Join my conversations with leaders in the humanities and sciences, business, and social outreach about the power of language. Their stories will inform, inspire, & move you.

Thank you for always focusing on the possibilities, opportunities and the power of language and what it can do for us individually - and collectively!

Elizabeth Mack

If you've never done #cliftonstrengths, yourself or with your team, don't wait any longer.  Norah Jones of FLUENCY CONSULTING is the one and only to do it! It's all about your super powers: finding & using them to affect positive change in the world. What's not to love?!

Elizabeth Mack
Founder and CEO / Freestyle Languages


Yes, @NorahLulicJones definitely has the talent of "bringing out" the best in others or allowing them to showcase themselves in the best light! Thank you for directing the spotlight on others who have great stories and talents to share with others. 

Lisa Fore


Your podcasts are exceptionally relevant and applicable, thought-provoking and insightful, easy-to-follow and enjoyable!  

Paul Sandrock
Senior Advisor for Language Learning Initiatives / ACTFL


You have an immense talent to draw the best from your participants. 

Richard Brecht


Norah knows how to LISTEN - she really "hears" the message - and the interview is richer because of it.  New questions come from the hearing. 

Terri Marlow